Archives for the month of: April, 2020

Well that didn’t take too long did it?  Massage therapy clinics have received clearance to reopen by the NSW government.

This information was released a week and a half ago but I have been waiting to see if there were further changes before reopening. I have now received numerous communications from both of my Associations confirming this news.

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I will formally reopen my doors on Monday 4th May 2020.  I will, however, reduce the number of available appointments so that I can maintain distancing requirements and have enough time between clients to sanitise appropriately.  I will be wearing a mask during treatment and will be continuing my strict hand-washing techniques and have hand sanitiser in the reception area for clients to use on arrival.  As always, if you have been away in the last two weeks or have been unwell, please do not come in.

I am offering online appointments for those who are continuing self-isolation until the Government lifts restrictions.

If you do not see a time that suits you please let me know as I will have the flexibility to move things around.  Or you can contact me directly to make a booking.

If you already have an appointment booked in for the coming weeks and would like to cancel or reschedule for a later date then I’m more than happy to do that.  It is important that everyone feels comfortable.

I look forward to reconnecting with you.
The clinic has had a bit of a make-over while I’ve been on hiatus – I’m excited to share it with you!


Online bookings:



New client Lymphoedema_Lipoedema package now available

In this swiftly changing time we are all having to adapt to doing what we used to do face-to-face online instead.  This can be confronting to begin with but it can be done.  Even for a manual therapy like lymphatic drainage.

Lisa is offering an online package for new clients.  The sessions will cover a range of therapies to work with the physical, emotional and mental body.  This integrated approach is even more necessary now in this time of isolation.

The package will include five appointments – once a week for four weeks, with a fifth appointment two weeks later for any follow-up questions/requirements.

What you can expect:

  • In the first appointment a detailed history will be taken (you will be emailed a client information sheet beforehand). We will then discuss your particular needs with regard to compression and exercise, self-lymphatic drainage, pumps, possible surgical options, referrals to other practitioners if necessary.
  • The next three appointments will cover guided self-clearance, or the instruction of a loved one/carer in how to deliver a modified lymphatic treatment.
  • Two weeks later we will have a review to ensure you are comfortable with all aspects of your treatment at home and your garments.
  • At each of the appointments we will also use different techniques to help reduce anxiety and stress in whatever form they show up for you.
  • We will discuss how to reduce the toxic load in your home due to cleaning chemicals, personal care products and the effect of electromagnetic radiation.

At the end of six weeks you will:

  • Understand how to clear your lymphatics effectively.
  • Gain control of your condition using your daily self-care routines.
  • Have a low-tox home environment.
  • Have more control over your reactions to stress and anxiety.

This results in an overall reduction in the amount of inflammation in the body.  Less inflammation means less pain, fewer symptoms, more energy and the ability to achieve more. You will feel empowered to live your fullest possible life.

Investment: $550 if paid upfront or a weekly payment of $100 over six weeks.



I’ve been really busy this week, taking delivery of a painting and some new, recycled, furniture.

I’ve also cleaned from top to bottom using low-tox cleaning products. Once I finished the physical cleaning I cleared the whole clinic energetically using sage, sound and diffusing Thieve’s Oil and intention.

It’s all feeling pretty amazing now.  What do you think?

I’m getting all my admin and cleaning done so I can focus on growing the next stage of my work – online consulting.  Here’s what I’m offering:

  • Online consult to discuss your Lymphoedma or Lipoedema needs – compression, pumps, self-massage, surgical options. I can guide you through a treatment that you do yourself during the session or I can show a loved one/carer how to do it for you
  • Online consult to talk about ways to reduce your stress/anxiety in this crazy time we are in.  We’ll do some breath work, visualisation, mindfulness practices and tapping techniques
  • Online consult to take you through your home looking at your cleaning products, skin/hair care products and make up to see how we can replace them with less toxic options.  You’re stuck at home with time on your hands, why not use it to make your home a more healthy environment
  • Or, we can combine all or some of the offers above into one session

Be safe everyone and I hope to see you in the flesh soon.